seriously people…

“if there’s no power in the church, take the sign off the door!”

–bill johnson

that goes for the capital C Church and the small c church…and each of us as individuals-as the Temple of the Holy Ghost.

let’s all get over ourselves. let’s quit regurgitating what doctrine we’ve crammed in our brains and sustained ourselves upon…while we’re dead on the inside-choking and gasping for air—if your theology isn’t lining up with your life-well then, “Heaven, we have a problem…”

WRONG ASSUMPTION A: God’s perfect Will works like this–He comes alongside you and tells you what it    is clearly if you do X, Y and Z…or if you stand about waiting and travailing hours in prayer and fasting, or not doing ANYTHING because, “oh well, if it’s not the Lord’s Will we should all wait…” or blah blah blah

PROBLEM: the Lord has NEVER spoken to me so clearly or many that i know -ever…or if He has i’ve been too broken and muddled to distinguish it.

SOLUTION: how about we line up TRUTH to what the Word says about God’s Will, instead of spitting out the same thing we’ve been taught over and over again—

1. We were made in God’s image…to co labour…point to be proven tomorrow after all of you go and read the first few chapters of Genesis-it is the premise for the whole thing you know…can’t be skipped over like la dee da-

~ by jesusandilikepie on June 6, 2008.

6 Responses to “seriously people…”

  1. we were given the capacity to create-to dominate-and to cultivate, as God does. …… I am still not sure I understand where you are going with this comment would you mind to give the chapter and verses from God’s Word to clarify? I think I am misunderstanding what you trying to say. I really want to understand where you coming from. Jehovah God creates and has created all, I do not see what man has created other than misery, by choosing to try to be ‘like’ God in the sense we do not need to rely on Him and His perfect creation in the beginning. The command of God to man was to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves over the earth. ~ Gen. 1:28 : in my own words : make babies grow food, take care of the animals and the land ~ I do not see where man ‘creates’ ….I understand where man and woman are to co labour together in the work the Lord gave. Also what you said about just going ahead and doing something you want to do because it is in the name of the Lord or for the Kingdom good, I agree and understand what you mean, I also believe we are to wait upon the Lord for that direction (Psalm 47:10; Psalm 100:3; Psalm 25:5; ) And there are times when the Holy Spirit does prevent us from speaking forth or proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and example of this can be found in Acts Chapter 16. I don’t know if that gives you any encouragement, but I do know waiting for God’s timing will bring a blessing 10 fold to any goodness we strive to do for His Kingdom. Our timing may bring something good, BUT HIS timing will bring something AWESOME! Maybe that is too simple of a view for what you are talking about in these posts. That is why I am asking you to explain what you are talking about using book chapter and verse from God’s Word. I love reading some of the things you post, but you have kind of lost me these; like I said I think I am misunderstanding. Things go over my head sometimes;>)

  2. when do you sleep chris? what in the heck are you doing at 4:29 am…you crazy beautiful woman you. i’ll get to all that jazz i promise. very good references—i’ll get to those too, i hope! check into the greek and original translated languages for what many of those words mean in Genesis…it’s fun!

    promise when i have more time i’ll address all this and move on to part 2.


  3. OKAY real quick- there isn’t a verse 10 of psalm 47…

    and i’m a bit confused about the psalms provided, i believe you were demonstrating why we should “wait” upon the Lord…but i feel they don’t quite demonstrate that:
    psalm 47- i absolutely agree to the Glory and Sovereignty of the Lord that isn’t being disputed, i promise! 🙂

    psalm 100:3-He certainly did make us! thank goodness for that, i will certainly not dispute that!

    psalm 25:5- Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
    For You are the God of my salvation;
    On You I wait all the day. (NIV)
    -awesome! first of all, one of my favorites! and in this sense, David is definitely referring to waiting in the sense of teaching or guiding. and by no means am i disputing that there are times when one is to wait! especially for guidance or His teaching, i do however, feel that there is a different context here in general-it almost emphasizes my point whereas david is requesting the very knowledge of God’s paths-that we are called to walk in them despite these sins and transgressions david requests the Lord not remember!
    -and in this case, david is waiting for the Lord to deliver Him from a specific situation-a harm of the enemy-what i am proposing is not defensive strategy but OFFENSIve strategy…which actually is hilarious because of the other meaning of the word offensive, ha! these ideas are SO offensive to traditional thought. i’m using the context of Kingdom dreams and visions for God’s glory-offensive strategies.

  4. oops 46:10….it was the wee hours of the morn. give me break!, you still have not supported your ideas with God’s word (bk, chp,vv)and explained what you are talking about….I suppose I may be asking too much

  5. Sleep! I dont need no sinkin sleep! ha ha he he. It is crazy the hours the Holy Spirit oves me to prayer, study, blog….
    I have learned to just go with the flow~~~~~

  6. ah yes, ma dear- that is merely part 1 there’s oh so much more…i have no time! sorry…try to get to it soon…right now i’m working and missionarying…barely have time to breathe!

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